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Kapal VIVA PALESTINA Diserang, Ramai Syahid

Hamas menyebut mereka yang ikut konvoi bantuan Gaza sebagai pahlawan bangsa Palestina, dan Hamas mendesak para pemimpin Arab untuk mengambil langkah-langkah praktis untuk mengakhiri pengepungan Gaza.

Armada Kebebasan Gaza diserang oleh militer Israel pada Senin pagi ini (31/5) di perairan internasional lebih dari 150 km (90 mil) di lepas pantai Gaza.

Setidaknya 20 orang telah wafat dalam serangan itu dan masih ada kemungkinan akan terus bertambah serta lebih dari 50 orang lainnya mengalami luka-luka.

"Pemerintah Palestina di Gaza menghormati upaya konvoi armada kebebasan untuk memecahkan pengepungan terhadap Gaza," kata Perdana Menteri Palestina Ismail Haniyah dalam pernyataannya.

"Kami menganggap semua yang tewas dalam serangan tersebut sebagai syuhada Palestina, syahid atas usaha mereka mendobrak pengepungan terhadap Gaza," tambahnya.

Para pemimpin Palestina meminta para pendukung Palestina dalam jumlah besar melakukan aski protes terhadap apa yang disebut sebagai kejahatan kemanusiaan Israel dan aksi pembajakan Israel terhadap konvoi kemanusiaan.

Haniyah lebih lanjut mendesak Otorita Palestina untuk mengakhiri semua perundingan dengan rezim Israel dalam protes perdamaian atas pelanggaran paling nyata Israel dan paling jelas terhadap hak asasi manusia.

Ia juga menyerukan kepada Liga Arab dan Organisasi Konferensi Islam (OKI) untuk mengambil "langkah-langkah praktis" secara permanen mengakhiri blokade Israel tahun-panjang Gaza.(fq/prtv)


Gaza: The death toll has risen in an attack on the Freedom Flotilla after Israeli commandos stormed at least one ship loaded with pro-Palestinian activists bound for Gaza, according to media reports on Monday.

Al Jazeera TV reported that at least 16 people had been killed in clashes. Media reports earlier put the death toll at 14. Al Jazeera TV and CNN Turk TV reported that at least 30 others injured in the attack.

Watch Al Jazeera video from the attack:

Israeli security forces were put on high alert to handle any on high "possible disturbances" among the country's Arab Israeli population in the wake of the naval raid, a police spokesman said.

Israel's Army Radio said the clashes broke out after the passengers allegedly tried to grab weapons off the naval commandos who tried to storm one of the boats.

Israel radio said at least one vessel was boarded by Israeli troops backed with helicopters. An unnamed Arab journalist traveling with the flotilla reported that shooting was taking place. Hamas-run TV showed pictures of the wounded.

Gaza's Al Aqsa television also showed footage of black-clad Israeli commandos descending from helicopters and clashing with activists.

Israeli TV 10 reported that Israeli marine commandos opened fire after being attacked with axes and knives by a number of the passengers on board the aid ships.

The Israeli military denied that its forces attacked the boats but said they would enforce the decision to keep them away from Gaza.

The head of the Hamas, Esmail Haniya, condemned the "brutal" Israeli attack, adding: "We call on the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, to shoulder his responsibilities to protect the safety of the solidarity groups who were on board these ships and to secure their way to Gaza."

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